Saturday, May 8, 2010

How to get to Atlantic City cheap: New Jersey Transit AC Line vs. Car

Mostly when I go to A.C. I drive. I'm not saying that driving is the best way to get to Atlantic City but it's definitely the most convenient. I decided to track my latest trip's full price and then figure out how much it would have cost if I went by train. One of the biggest leaks for A.C. poker playing is expenses to and from the city or overnight hotels. I live in South Jersey and round trip mileage was 105.9 miles.

Atlantic City By Car (Round Trip):
Total Miles: 105.9 mi
Amount of Gas used: ~1/2 tank
Price of Gas: ~$20
Number of Tolls: 4
Total Toll Fees: $8

Total Time : 2 hr 33 min
Total Cost : $28

(This does not account for late night, after session driving with deer and I'm not the feeling the most alert; an intrinsic cost not to be forgotten.)

Atlantic City By Train NJ Transit AC Line(Round Trip):
Driving Miles to Train Station: 20 mi
Time Taken to Drive to Station: 23 min
Gas Price for 20 mi: $3.60
Round Trip Train Ticket Price: $7.50 (individual not student/weekly/monthly rate)
Time On Train: 51 min
Shuttle to Casino: Free from station.
Casino to Station: Walk or $6 cab.

Total Time on Travel (Drive to Station and Train round trip): 2 hr 26 min
Total Cost w/o cab: $11.10
Total Cost w/ cab : $17.10

Taking the train is $16.90 cheaper without a cab or $10.90 cheaper with a cab.
Time is exactly the same as long as you time your train departures and returns appropriately.

Bottom Line: If you drive to Atlantic City take NJ Transit AC Line otherwise make sure you car pool with a bunch of friends so that you can split the costs.

Link to Train Schedule:

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